बेइजिङमा सम्पन्न भयो ग्लोबल साउथ थिंक ट्यांक फोरम
वि.सं.२०८१ असोज ३० बुधवार २०:५०
बेइजिङ, १६ अक्टोबर । चीनको चर्चित सञ्चार संस्था सिजिटिएनका आयोजनामा बेइजिङमा ग्लोबल साउथ थिंक ट्यांक फोरम सम्पन्न भएको हो । चिनियाँ कम्युनिष्ट पार्टीको विदेश विभाग फोरमको सहआयोजकका रुपमा रहेको थियो ।
बुधबार आयोजित फोरममा चिनियाँ कम्युनिष्ट पार्टीका अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय विभागका मन्त्री लिउँ जिएनचाओले भिडियो सम्बोधन गरेका थिए । ‘शान्ति, विकास, सुरक्षाः साझा भविष्यको लागि समृद्ध विश्वको निर्माण’ विषयक ग्लोबल साउथ थिंक ट्यांक फोरममा ग्लोबल साउथका ४४ वटा थिंक ट्यांकहरू सहभागी भए ।
जसले विकास सहयोगलाई प्रवर्द्धन गर्ने, न्याय र समानताको पक्षपोषण गर्ने, र साझा भविष्यसहितको समृद्ध संसार निर्माण गर्ने कुरामा व्यापक सहमति व्यक्त गरे । कार्यक्रमको पहिलो शत्रमा मन्त्री लिउँ पछि चिनिया मिडिया समूहका अध्यक्ष शेन हायोसियोङसहित राजनीतिक व्यक्तित्वहरुले सम्वोधन गरेका थिएँ । दक्षिणी राष्ट्रहरुबीच हुने पारस्परिक सहयोग र विकासमा प्रविधिको प्रयोग विषयमा छलफल भएको थियो ।
कार्यक्रममा बोल्ने वक्ताहरुले प्रविधि प्रयोगको विकास माध्यमबाट एक अर्का देशमा कसरी सहयोग गर्न सकिन्छ भन्ने विषयमा आफ्नो धारणा राखेका छन् । साउथ देशका ४४ जना थिंक ट्यांकहरुले फोरममा आफ्नो धारणा राखेका छन् ।
यसै सन्दर्भमा, ‘साझा भविष्यको लागि समृद्ध विश्वको निर्माणका लागि ग्लोबल साउथ थिंक ट्यांकको पहल–२’ निम्नानुसार जारी गरिएको छ । जुन निम्नानुसार रहेको छ :
- Join hands for common development to promote modernization in Global South countries. In the era of economic globalization, think tanks across the globe should embrace the trend of open development by strengthening forward-looking research and sharing intellectual achievements. This will help countries explore modernization paths suited to their national realities. We, think tanks throughout the Global South, advocate countries enhance economic and trade cooperation and promote innovation exchanges and encourage them to find mutually beneficial solutions. By expanding the breadth and depth of South-South cooperation, we aim to help countries jointly pursue 3 development and prosperity, improve people ‘s well-being, and share the benefits of development.
- Promote peace and security, uphold fairness and justice, and be true advocates of multilateralism. We firmly uphold mutual respect between nations, non-interference, independence and self-determination in international relations. Each country should be free to explore its own development path suited to its national realities. We advocate safeguarding the fundamental principles of international relations, promote South-South cooperation and North-South dialogue, uphold fairness and justice, and ensure all nations are treated equally regardless of size, strength and wealth. We promote openness and inclusivity, and aim to create a more just and 4 reasonable international order while advancing towards a multipolar world.
- All for one: Build a community with a shared future of peace, security, prosperity and progress for mankind. We are committed to a global governance model based on consultation, joint efforts and shared benefits. Upholding the principles of equality, mutual learning, dialogue and inclusiveness, we are committed to providing global public products, and will work to amplify the voice of the Global South. Together, we will strive to build a community with a shared future of peace, security, prosperity and progress for mankind.